Through our Housing First model, we assess housing options and help our clients find the kind of housing that fits their individual situation. Additionally, we provide ongoing support as needed to maintain housing.

To learn more about our housing access and support services, visit the REACH Program website.

Housing assessment and placement planning

Our Housing Assessor helps people apply for appropriate housing through Seattle’s Pathways Home housing plan and through partners. We also help to plan their placement in homes when the options become available.

Landlord education and support

As rents rise city-wide, so does homelessness. We coordinate with landlords to increase the number of affordable units available. We educate and advise landlords about how to rent to our clients and provide case management support as needed to clients in landlord-operated buildings.


Housing Support Services

We provide case management to people who are disabled or need extra support to transition into and maintain housing – everything from helping to manage finances and schedule bill paying to support for managing trauma associated with previous housing experiences to accessibility of the housing.

More than 30,000 people slept outside or in a shelter last year in Washington State. We help people living outside move into permanent or transitional housing while improving their quality of life.

Whether they sleep in a doorway or a downtown condo, all people deserve dignity. Call us today.