your frequently asked questions, answered.

Whether you’re someone who is interested in enrolling in one of our programs, a healthcare provider, a family member of someone suffering from substance use disorder, or even a community member, we know there are a lot of questions about what we do. Below are three sets of FAQs that we hope you find helpful.


Please review the following frequently asked questions. If your question isn’t answered below, head to our contact page and get in touch with us.


You may also be interested in these pages: Our Services, Get Started, Current Patients, Recovery Stories

  • What is an opioid use disorder?

    The difference between being dependent on opioids and an opioid use disorder is the problematic pattern of opioid use leading to clinically significant impairment or distress. Typically this means a harmful relationship to the drug that includes drug-seeking behavior, giving up important relationships and activities in favor of the drug, and generally focusing your life more and more on the drug at the expense of everything else. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 5.7 million people aged 12 or older in the U.S. were addicted to opioids in 2023, including 587,000 people addicted to heroin. An opioid use disorder is considered to be a chronic, relapsing medical condition, much like diabetes and hypertension, that can be very effectively managed with medication and supportive services.

  • What does it mean that an opioid use disorder is a chronic, relapsing medical condition?

    It means that people with use disorders typically experience long-lasting physical and psychological symptoms of these condition, even with effective medical treatment. Like diabetes or hypertension, many people require ongoing or lifelong medical treatment to remain stable during their recovery.

  • What are the physiological effects of an opioid use disorder?

    Opioid use disorders alter a person’s brain chemistry. The brain is impacted by a disruption to the naturally occurring reward system and the way it experiences pleasure/pain. It also impacts the decision making processes. These impacts have been shown repeatedly in brain research. This explains why more and more of the drug is needed in order to produce the same effects, a condition known as tolerance, as well as the negative behaviors associated with substance use disorders like dishonesty, and continued use despite negative consequences.

  • How long does it take for a person to be cured of an opioid use disorder?

    Because this is a chronic, relapsing medical condition, the brain changes are often very long-lasting. Despite working hard at recovery, many patients realize that staying on the medication is the best way to abstain from opioid use. The medications have few side effects and are considered to be safe for long term use. At ETS, we work with patients to manage their condition so they can have safe and productive lives for as long as our patients benefit from working with us.

  • What is medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD)?

    Medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD) refers to the use of FDA-approved medications like methadone, buprenorphine, and naltrexone to treat opioid use disorder. These medications help reduce cravings and withdrawal symptoms, allowing individuals to stabilize their lives and focus on recovery. MOUD is often combined with counseling and behavioral therapies to provide a comprehensive approach to treatment. Extensive research has shown MOUD to be a safe, effective, and evidence-informed method for addressing opioid use disorder.

  • Why does ETS use medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD)?

    ETS uses medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD) because it is one of the most effective ways to help people recover from opioid use disorder. MOUD reduces the risk of overdose, improves physical and mental health, and helps individuals build stability in their lives. MOUD also lowers the spread of infectious diseases like HIV and hepatitis C, primarily because it significantly reduces injection drug use and needle sharing among people who inject drugs, which are major transmission routes for these viruses. At ETS, we combine MOUD with holistic support services, including counseling, case management, and behavioral health care, to address the diverse needs of our clients and support their long-term recovery. This approach reflects our commitment to compassionate, evidence-informed care that meets people where they are.

  • How long will I have to wait before I can start treatment?

    The waiting period at ETS varies greatly from site to site. Please contact a location near you for the current timeline.

  • How much does MOUD cost?

    The current cost of our opioid treatment program is approximately $18 per day. ETS accepts Medicaid and most types of insurance.

  • I am pregnant. Can I still receive treatment?

    Medications for opioid use disorder is considered the standard of care for for pregnant women with this condition. In contrast to the highs and lows associated with untreated opioid use disorders, babies of women on MOUD throughout their pregnancy are healthy and develop normally. Please let our intake staff know if you are pregnant and your ETS medical provider will fully answer any and all questions you may have. We want to get you into treatment as soon as possible in order to protect your growing fetus.


You may also be interested in these pages: Who We Are, Our Work, Education, Recovery Stories, ETS Blog

ETS questions:

  • What is Evergreen Treatment Services (ETS)?

    Evergreen Treatment Services is a private, 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization which has been delivering evidence-informed treatment services for individuals with substance use disorders in western Washington since 1973. Since our founding, we have earned a national and regional reputation for excellence. Our interdisciplinary team includes clinicians with advanced degrees in medicine, psychiatry, nursing, psychology, social work, counseling and acupuncture.

    ETS uses a comprehensive approach to treatment which combines medications for opioid use disorder with wraparound services such as medical monitoring, counseling, and case management services.

  • Why is ETS in our community?

    We are in the midst of a nationwide opioid epidemic. In a 2023 survey on drug use from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2% of people aged 12 or older had an opioid use disorder. The Addiction and Drug Abuse Institute (ADAI) at the University of Washington reports that fentanyl-involved overdose deaths are increasing and surpassing other “psychostimulants with abuse potential…in contributing to drug poisonings.” The need for recovery support services is urgent.

  • What does ETS do to ensure that the businesses and communities surrounding are not negatively affected by the treatment clinics?

    ETS has excellent relationships with the communities in which we work and we have open lines of communication with local governments, businesses, law enforcement and social service organizations. Most communities welcome the services provided by ETS as a way to address the pressing problem of opioid use disorders that drains local resources. In the immediate vicinity of our clinics, we work closely with our neighbors and work diligently to making sure that our patients are complying with agency rules.

Opioid use disorder questions:

  • What is an opioid use disorder?

    ⁠The difference between being dependent on opioids and an opioid use disorder is the problematic pattern of opioid use leading to clinically significant impairment or distress. Typically this means a harmful relationship to the drug that includes drug-seeking behavior, giving up important relationships and activities in favor of the drug, and generally focusing your life more and more on the drug at the expense of everything else. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 5.7 million people aged 12 or older in the U.S. were addicted to opioids in 2023, including 587,000 people addicted to heroin. An opioid use disorder is considered to be a chronic, relapsing medical condition, much like diabetes and hypertension, that can be very effectively managed with medication and supportive services.

  • What does it mean that an opioid use disorder is a chronic, relapsing medical condition?

    It means that people with an opioid use disorders typically experience long-lasting physical and psychological symptoms of this condition, even with effective medical treatment. Like diabetes or hypertension, many people require ongoing or lifelong medical treatment to remain stable during their recovery.

  • What are the physiological effects of an opioid use disorder?

    Opioid use disorders alter a person’s brain chemistry. The brain is impacted by a disruption to the naturally occurring reward system and the way it experiences pleasure/pain. It also impacts the decision making processes. These impacts have been shown repeatedly in brain research. This explains why more and more of the drug is needed in order to produce the same effects, a condition known as tolerance, as well as the negative behaviors associated with substance use disorders like dishonesty, and continued use despite negative consequences.

  • How long does it take for a person to be cured of an opioid use disorder?

    Because this is a chronic, relapsing medical condition, the brain changes are often very long-lasting. Despite working very hard at recovery, many patients realize that staying on the medication is the best way to abstain from opioid use. The medications have very few side effects and are considered to be safe for long term use. At ETS, we work with patients to manage their condition so they can have safe and productive lives for as long as our patients benefit from working with us.

  • How do opioid use disorders affect the community?

    For people struggling with an opioid use disorder, the next fix becomes an all-consuming focus. Due to the physiological changes created by opioids, this focus is often pursued with little regard to a person’s own health or safety or that of their community. Some people lose their jobs and their stable living situations and turn to petty crime and other illegal activity for income. Family relationships and social networks break down. Health deteriorates; people lose weight and are at a high risk of contracting infectious diseases like Hepatitis C and HIV from unsafe needle use, developing abscesses, bacterial infection, and overdose.

Treatment Questions:

  • What is medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD)?

    Medications for opioid use disorder is an evidence-based approach that combines brain-stabilizing medication with comprehensive support services including counseling, drug screens, and medical monitoring.


  • What is included in the ETS treatment program?

    ETS uses the gold standard of medications for opioid use disorder to treat this condition. We combine medications that help patients to manage their opioid use disorder, such as methadone, buprenorphine/ naloxone (Suboxone), or buprenorphine (Subutex) with important rehabilitative services such as medical monitoring, counseling, case management, Hepatitis C and HIV testing, and education about overdose risk and infectious disease prevention. Our full range of services supports our patients and boosts their chances for full, long-term recovery. For a complete list of services, go to the medications for opioid use disorder page.

  • Why does ETS use medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD)?

    These treatments work. They are the medical standard of care for opioid use disorders. Research has shown repeatedly that patients taking medications for opioid use disorder have the greatest likelihood of living successfully in recovery. In addition, communities that offer MOUD benefit: problems associated with property crime, homelessness, and expensive use of emergency services are all positively impacted when MOUD is available to people in need. Cost-benefit analyses indicate that for every $1 spent for MOUD, a $4- $5 return is realized.

  • Aren’t you just substituting one drug for another?

    No. This is a very common misunderstanding about medications for opioid use disorder. Similar to other chronic, relapsing medical conditions like diabetes or hypertension, ongoing stabilization of brain chemistry often requires medication. The medications used for treatment at ETS are long-acting and allow patients to stabilize their bodies through use of a long-acting medication prescribed at a dose that keeps withdrawal symptoms, including craving at bay but does not produce euphoria. Once a patient experiences physical stability, they can manage their condition and begin recovery.

  • What about willpower? Can’t people just stop using drugs?

    Because of the extensive brain changes that occur with chronic use of opioids, it is not typically a condition that can be “cured” when patients simply decide they want to stop using their drug. The vast majority of patients in an absence-only approach will relapse — as many as 90% within 12 months. This is why medications for opioid use disorder and wraparound services are considered the medical standard of care – it works by stabilizing brain chemistry and helps keep people from relapsing. Willpower alone usually doesn’t work to change the biological and psychological reality underlying this medical condition.

  • What can I do to help?

    If you know or suspect that someone you care about is suffering from an opioid use disorder, communicate your concern for them, for their safety, and for their health. This is the first step. Unfortunately, due to the altered physiological and mental state associated with opioid use disorders, your loved one may not be capable of recognizing his or her condition and may not be receptive to your concerns. Recognize that this is a medical condition, not a weakness or moral failure on the part of your loved one. Continue to offer support, know your limits, educate yourself about this condition, and seek available community resources. Check with health care resources to find federally certified opioid treatment programs like ETS or medical doctors in your area that are certified to prescribe Suboxone. Strongly consider purchasing an overdose prevention kit at your local pharmacy.

    Most importantly, know that this is a difficult and challenging condition and that there are very effective treatments available.


You may also be interested in these pages: Our Services, Medical Records Request, Courtesy Dosing

Treatment questions

  • What is medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD)?

    Medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD) is an evidence-based approach that combines brain-stabilizing medication with comprehensive support services including medical monitoring, counseling, and drug screens.

  • Why does ETS use medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD)?

    These treatments work. They are the medical standard of care for opioid use disorders. Research has shown repeatedly that patients taking medications for opioid use disorder have the greatest likelihood of living successfully in recovery. In addition, communities that offer MOUD benefit: problems associated with property crime, homelessness, and expensive use of emergency services are all positively impacted when MOUD is available to people in need. Cost-benefit analyses indicate that for every $1 spent for MOUD, a $4- $5 return is realized.

  • How long will I have to wait before I can start treatment?

    The waiting period at ETS varies greatly from site to site. Please call a location near you for the current timeline.

  • What is Flex Care?

    More information  be found on our Flex Care page.

  • How often are patients drug tested?

    Patients must leave randomly collected urine samples at least once per month. Our dispensary staff can also request a urine sample on a patient at any time.

  • Are patients getting high on their medication?

    When properly prescribed, patients on methadone or buprenorphine are not getting high. The proper medication dose relieves withdrawal symptoms (under medicating) but does not produce noticeable medication effects (over medicating). Because of this, our patients are able to function and report that they feel ‘normal’. Please see the pamphlet published by Drug Policy Alliance, About Methadone and Buprenorphine, “when used in proper doses in maintenance treatment, methadone does not create euphoria, sedation or an analgesic effect.”

  • Can a pregnant patient be on methadone or buprenorphine?

    Treatment of pregnant women with opioid use disorders should involve medications for opioid use disorder. Maintenance of opioid use disorders with methadone or buprenorphine is not harmful to the developing fetus – but detoxification can be. The effects of methadone and buprenorphine on pregnancy have been widely studied and when properly prescribed for pregnant women, methadone provides a non-stressful environment in which the fetus can develop.

    Taking methadone or buprenorphine during pregnancy may help prevent miscarriage, fetal distress, and premature labor for mothers with an active opioid use disorder. During pregnancy, the patient’s dose should be sufficient to avoid cravings, avoid street drugs, and prevent withdrawal.

  • We have an ETS patient in our hospital. What information does ETS need from the hospital before this patient returns to treatment?

    When an ETS patient enters the hospital, the hospital staff, medical provider, or social worker should contact his or her ETS dispensary to verify the patient’s current enrollment in medications for opioid use disorder and the current medication dose. Upon discharge, the patient should be provided with documentation showing:

    • Dates of hospitalization.
    • Diagnoses.
    • Methadone or buprenorphine dosing information while the patient was in treatment at the hospital including date and time of last dose. A copy of pharmacy or hospital ward medication logs may be used for this purpose.
    • All discharge medication, especially methadone and buprenorphine, including the dosage amount and the number of doses provided.
    • Name, title, and phone number of the person providing the information.
    • Inpatient Hospitalization and/or Outpatient Procedure Information form
  • Why does ETS need a specific release of information to coordinate care for a shared patient?

    By federal regulation, ETS is not permitted to communicate with a patient’s primary-care doctor or anyone else without the patient’s written permission to do so. In addition to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), ETS operates under Title 42 of the Code of Federal Regulations Part 2 (42CFR part 2) which provides very strict confidentiality protection of patient drug treatment records.


Intake and patient expectations questions:

  • How do I get someone enrolled in your treatment program?

    ETS enrolls adults who are willing and able to enter treatment. Referral information can be found here.

  • How quickly can someone be admitted to ETS?

    The timeline for admission can vary based on site staffing, the patient census level permitted by the local county, and individual patient circumstances. Contact the nearest clinic listed here to learn more.

  • How much does MOUD cost?

    The current cost of our opioid treatment program is approximately $18 per day.  ETS accepts Medicaid and most forms of insurance.

  • What do you expect from patients?

    To remain in good standing with ETS, we expect compliance with the prescribed treatment protocol including:

    • Attend the clinic for every expected medication dispensing day. Patients typically start out at six days per week dosing with a Sunday take home. Patients must safely store any medication provided as take homes.
    • Attend the required orientation group within the first four weeks of treatment.
    • Attend the required group on blood borne pathogens, communicable diseases and family planning within the first two months of treatment.
    • Participate in weekly individual counseling for at least the first 90 days. The frequency of sessions may be reduced over time as you stabilize. The schedule for this will be determined by your counselor.
    • Work with your counselor on your individualized treatment plan.
    • Inform all outside medical providers or prescribers of your participation in medications for opioid use disorder. This helps you stay safe and receive high quality care.
    • Sign releases of information for coordination of care when requested.
    • Register all prescription medications within three days of having them filled at the pharmacy. Note, we do routinely check the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program for all patient medications.
    • Abstain from alcohol and non-prescribed drugs.
    • Participate in random urinalysis testing a minimum of once per month.
  • Why do people get discharged from your program?

    Patients can be discharged for noncompliance to their treatment plan including ongoing drug or alcohol use, lack of attendance, and/ or behavioral concerns. To re-enter the program after being discharged for non-compliance, there is typically a waiting period of at least 30 days, after which patients will have to re-apply.

  • What’s the best way to coordinate care with your team?

    Have the patient sign two-way a release of information allowing exchange of information, fax it to ETS, and then call ETS to confirm receipt of the fax and begin coordinating care. Because a person’s alcohol and drug records are protected under the federal 42 CFR Part 2 confidentiality regulations, we cannot discuss any aspect of a patient’s care without proper authorization.

Take home dosing questions:

  • What are take-home doses?

    Take-home doses are medication doses that patients are allowed to take home with them for ingestion on the proper day at the proper time. Take-homes are given:

    • For days when ETS clinics are closed, such as on Sundays and holidays
    • As a result of the patient’s stable, observable and verifiable progress in treatment
    • For medical reasons
  • What are incentive take-homes?

    Patients can earn incentive take-home privileges if they are fully compliant with treatment and demonstrate stability as evidenced by their urine drug screens and attendance at all required appointments including dosing. These privileges are carefully granted only to those patients who are making observable and verifiable progress in treatment. Eligibility is determined by an interdisciplinary ETS team.

  • What are medical take-homes?

    Patients can be granted medical take-homes if the patient submits documentation from their primary medical care provider that justifies the patient’s need for reduced clinic attendance due to an acute or chronic health condition. This documentation must detail:

    • The nature of the health condition
    • The reasons the patient is challenged to come to the agency on the regular schedule
    • The recommended dosing frequency
    • The length of time these special privileges will be needed

    The patient’s ETS medical provider will review the documentation and determine whether take-home privileges are warranted. If medically justified and approved by the ETS Medical Director, medical take-homes may be granted due to an acute or chronic medical condition. The patient will be required to submit subsequent documentation from their primary care provider at a frequency requested by the ETS Medical Director or medical provider to justify ongoing medical take-home status.

Medication interaction questions:

  • Is it appropriate to provide pain medications to someone on methadone or buprenorphine? Aren’t they prescribed to treat pain?

    Patients on a stable dose of these medications for the treatment of an opioid use disorder have tolerance to the analgesic, sedative, and euphorigenic effects of the medication. Both methadone and buprenorphine are also very long lasting which, combined with tolerance, is what makes this treatment effective. However, if there is an acute pain problem, these medications may not be sufficient to appropriately address the patient’s pain condition. Our medical providers will coordinate any acute pain prescriptions with you so that we can ensure our mutual patient remains both safe and medically stable.

    Open Letter to Medical & Dental Providers Treating Patients on Methadone Maintenance

    Open Letter to Medical & Dental Providers Treating Patients on Buprenorphine

  • What pain medication can I give ETS patients?

    Many different pain medications are available for patients on methadone or buprenorphine maintenance for opioid use disorders. Non-narcotic pain analgesics can be prescribed when the pain is not severe. For severe pain, prescribing short acting opioids may be appropriate. Due to the patient’s tolerance level, the patient may need a higher and more frequent dose of a short-acting opioid medication than is usually prescribed to non-opioid dependent patients with similar medical disorders. Mixed opioid-agonist/ antagonist drugs such as Talwin, Nubain, Suboxone, and Stadol should never be used in a methadone-tolerant person as they may precipitate severe withdrawal. Our medical providers would like to coordinate any acute pain prescriptions with you so that we can ensure our mutual patient remains both safe and medically stable.

    Open Letter to Medical & Dental Providers Treating Patients on Methadone Maintenance

    Open Letter to Medical & Dental Providers Treating Patients on Buprenorphine

  • Can ETS give medications for pain?

    No. ETS is licensed for the treatment of opioid use disorders; we are not licensed to treat pain. Treatment of pain issues in ETS patients is best closely coordinated with ETS medical staff.

  • What medications may interact with methadone?

    Disclaimer: This list is not intended to be comprehensive. Please exercise caution when prescribing medication to patients in opioid treatment programs. Consult with the ETS Medical Provider whenever possible so that we can coordinate care.

    The following commonly prescribed medications cause the liver to metabolize methadone more quickly and may necessitate an increased methadone dose:

    • Carbamazepin (Tegretol)
    • Phenytoin (Dilantin)
    • Neverapine (Virammune)
    • Rifampin
    • Efavirenz (Sustiva)
    • Amprenavir (Agenerase) – methadone also significantly reduces the level of amprenavir.
    • Ritonavir (Norvir) – less of an effect

    Some medications slow the metabolism of methadone. Some people will feel the effect of methadone more strongly when they take the following medications, and sometimes they experience withdrawal symptoms when they stop taking them:

    • Amitriptyline (Elavil)
    • Cimetidine (Tagamet)
    • Fluvoxamine (Luvox)
    • Ketoconazole (Nizoral)

    Some medications are opioid blockers and may cause withdrawal. These block the effect of methadone and should not be taken if you are taking methadone:

    • Pentazocine (Talwin)
    • Naltrexone (Revia)
    • Tramadol (Ultram), in most cases
    • Barbiturates initially interact with methadone to cause sedation, but then the opposite occurs, and they can cause withdrawal symptoms.

    Disclaimer: This list is not intended to be comprehensive. Please exercise caution when prescribing medication to patients in opioid treatment programs. Consult with the ETS Medical Provider whenever possible so that we can coordinate care.

    Other substances with interactive effects:

    • Cocaine can increase the dose of methadone required (NOTE: ETS closely monitors illicit drug use and indications of ongoing cocaine use may result in a discharge from the program, not an increased methadone dose).
    • CNS depressants, such as benzodiazepines (Xanax and Valium) or alcohol may cause overdose.